Vision Through Innovation...
The contemporary school systems are under the obligation to carry out diverse complex activities. Effective performance of these activities become essential for the smooth functioning of the system.
Moreover, incessant functional differentiation of the school functions calls for adoption of sophisticated software applications for the systematic integration of the otherwise dispersed operations.
Conventional methods of coordination and integration may be inadequate; hence, Digilogix has meticulously developed Smart School Software to facilitate efficient school management.
With the help of this software application the top management can keep the whole school system under its control. As all school operations, namely, admissions, fee collections, attendance, time table, security, library maintenance, etc are automated and brought under a common interactive platform, exercising control over these functions becomes easy on the part of the higher rungs of the school hierarchy.
Further, the various modules of the Smart School Software have been devised not only to facilitate each and every set of school activities but also to inculcate sound practices and standards of performing those activities in the personnel responsible thereof.
Smart School Software serves a plethora of needs of school administration. Also, this software can be customized to suit the unique needs of your school. Moreover; it serves as the primary database of the school system. The benefits of the 18-module software are enormous and inexplicable that can be witnessed only by application.
It includes all the modules of basic educational package and additionally SMS and message module are also integrated in this module. The major advantage of this package is student and staff can access their respective modules and get the updated information. It is suitable for any School, College and University. Its host of features allows a user to maintain academic history of students with complete transparency in records and provides a medium for Faculty and administration to work in harmony.
This module is about administrator rights. It
will help you to add unlimited number of Administrators like HR,
Accountant, Security, Front Office Staff etc and to provide them access
The Setup module will help you to enter all
required basic information so that software get‘s synchronized to your
present structure. i.e Institute Details , Groups / Classes / Subjects
,Exams, Fees and Installment details.
This will help the front office staff to
manage the enquiries and respond to them properly and it also gives
reports on admitted and non-admitted students so that management can work
effectively towards more admissions.
The Pre-Admission module is quick admit
process, it will help you to admit a student directly without filling the
enquiry forms i.e direct enrollments.
The purpose of Student module is to manage
records of students admitted in your institute. This module will help you
to search all students according to class, Student Reg Number, Academic
Year, etc., You can promote student to a higher class after completion of
final Exams and as well record student transfers.
The Fee Payment module is designed and
developed keeping in view the requirement and comfort of an institute
management body. With the help of this module you can collect student fee,
installment fine and other miscellaneous fine. You can also view inbrief
reports about fee collection and outstanding fee.
With help of Assignment you can upload a file
having the assignment.
The Staff module handles creating
departments, entering staff particulars and assigning staff as a Incharge
to a class.
The Timetable module allows to setup the time
slots of the various institute periods. Reports like whole week timetable
for class and teachers are available.
The Attendance module handles the taking of
attendance for both student & staff. Enter attendance quickly and easily
track attendance information for students and staff. The exact attendance
data you need is always at your fingertips including absentee reports.
This Module helps Admin, Teacher and Students
to exchange messages.
This module allows you to generate and print
ID cards for the students and staff.
The Send Notice module acts as an interface
between You and other users [like Staff & Students] and helps in passing
messages to and fro.
This module is used to view students complete
profile for administrative purposes, it includes details about Academic
exam, Misc Fine, Attendance and so on. It is a one click information.
A small ad on module that allows you to enter
quotes, proverbs or sayings which will be displayed in the right panel.
A special module to store & display all
institute activity pictures like Annual Day, Sports Day, Excursion,
Science Fair etc.,
A module to maintain a list of planned
holidays for the academic year.
This module will help you to take data backup
as a disaster plan. You can also import data.
This module allows you to manage full
knowledgebase articles and news.
The Notice Board module can be used for
special announcements, Institute awards, Award Certificates, activities of
the institute and so on. All updated information will be displayed in the
right panel.